Ladies Open Evening

Ladies Open Evening

Thursday 23 February 2017
18:00 - 19:30
Martin Connor
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Think rugby is just for the boys? Well think again, Northallerton Rugby Club is proud to announce a new team to compliment both of the successful men's teams as well as our flourishing mini section, Northallerton Ladies Team.

Open evening for all ladies over the age of 18yrs. Come along and give the great game of rugby union a go, you never know you may love it as much as we do! Join us on the 23rd February at 1800hrs until 1930hrs at Brompton Lodge, home of Northallerton Rugby Club. All welcome.

It doesn't matter if you've never touched a rugby ball before, we will help you learn at your own pace, if you've played before that's great then come and join the newest team within a growing friendly club.

It's a great way to make some awesome friends, keep fit and show the fellas how it's really done ;)

Further reading
This is a past event